After experiencing an enjoyable hands-on lesson on the use of color through clay and paint, as taught by our Ember Project student, Zoë, the fourth-grade students at Buford Elementary School had a desire to share their newfound knowledge with others.
Using surplus clay from their time with Zoë, students from Ms. Lewis’ 4th-grade class prepared an art lesson for the second-graders. Prepped with information from Zoë and some of their own research, the new “teachers” presented works from artists like Andy Warhol, Simone Legno, and Takahashi Murakami to show how color can impact works of art in various ways.

The younger students were overjoyed to see their older schoolmates in this leadership role and readily engaged with them when it came time to dive into the clay. Students from each class paired up so the more experienced children could assist the younger ones in their creative explorations. Below are some of the highlights from the day.
Thank you, Zoë, for inspiring these young learners to continue spreading the joy of art.