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Building a Team

Building a Team

ByJohn UmekuboOct 17, 20202 min read

“Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people.”  Nicholas Sparks As a kid, I would hear the old saying, “If you want something done right, do it yourself!” This statement, masterfully applied when things weren’t going as anticipated, reinforced the notion of going it alone andContinue reading “Building a Team”

Our Mission

Our Mission

ByJohn UmekuboSep 17, 20201 min read

“To spotlight and support our local heroes in education” LumenSparQ Mission Statement Here at LumenSparQ, our mission is to spotlight our local heroes and give support through financial, human, and…

LumenSparQ, Why the Name?

LumenSparQ, Why the Name?

ByJohn UmekuboSep 9, 20202 min read

Lumen – A measurement of light, the approximate amount of light emitted from one birthday candle. 1Spark – a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, a trace of…

A Long Time Coming

A Long Time Coming

ByJohn UmekuboAug 20, 20202 min read

We have discussed and dreamt about creating a nonprofit organization for years. We knew we wanted to positively impact people’s lives, particularly people at an economic disadvantage or facing struggles…