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Lumenaries & SparQs
As we spotlight and support our local heroes, we place them in two distinct categories. The first category is for adults, be they teachers, administrators, or staff, performing a social good. We call them Lumenaries (intentional spelling to match our organization’s name). Support for Lumenaries may come in the form of financial assistance to further enhanceContinue reading “Lumenaries & SparQs”
Building a Team
“Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people.” Nicholas Sparks As a kid, I would hear the old saying, “If you…
Our Mission
“To spotlight and support our local heroes in education” LumenSparQ Mission Statement Here at LumenSparQ, our mission is to spotlight our local heroes and give support through financial, human, and…
LumenSparQ, Why the Name?
Lumen – A measurement of light, the approximate amount of light emitted from one birthday candle. 1Spark – a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, a trace of…